1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
<div>=A0</div><div>* Interpreter is now kept up to date with changes to the=
interpreter, so, pip-installing packages will automatically update interna=
l caches without requiring a manual step.</div><div>=A0</div><div>* Fixed i=
ssue connecting to shell for code-completion (which could halt the IDE).</d=

<div>=A0</div><div>* Interactive Console (patches by Jonah Graham)</div><di=
v>=A0</div><div>=A0 =A0 * IPython 1.0 is now supported.</div><div>=A0 =A0=
=A0</div><div>=A0 =A0 * Computational Crystallography Toolbox (CCTBX: <a hr=
ef=3D"http://cctbx.sourceforge.net/">http://cctbx.sourceforge.net/</a>) can=
now be used with PyDev.</div>

<div>=A0 =A0=A0</div><div>=A0 =A0 * Debug support in interactive console (m=
ust be enabled in preferences).</div><div>=A0 =A0=A0</div><div>=A0 =A0 * Us=
er Module Deleter (UMD): forcefully reloads user-loaded modules when using =
runfile on interactive console (must be enabled in preferences).</div>

<div>=A0 =A0=A0</div><div>=A0 =A0 * GUI event loop integration: more backen=
ds are now supported and can be configured in the preferences.</div><div>=
=A0 =A0=A0</div><div>=A0 =A0 * %gui provides customization for the gui even=
t loop integration (i.e.: %gui wx enables wxPython integration).</div>

<div>=A0 =A0=A0</div><div>=A0 =A0 * %edit on IPython will open the file in =
the PyDev editor.</div><div>=A0 =A0=A0</div><div>=A0 =A0 * History of comma=
nds is now saved to a persistent file.</div><div>=A0 =A0=A0</div><div>=A0 =
=A0 * Loading of history is faster.</div>

<div>=A0 =A0=A0</div><div>* Interpreter configuration (patches by Andrew Fe=
rrazzutti)</div><div>=A0</div><div>=A0 =A0 * Interpreter configuration quic=
k auto-config: automatically finds a Python installed and configures it.</d=

<br></div><div>=A0 =A0 * Interpreter configuration advanced auto-config: se=
arches for multiple Python installations in the computer and allows selecti=
ng one to configure.</div><div>=A0 =A0=A0</div><div>=A0 =A0 * Source folder=
s (PYTHONPATH) are kept updated on renames and moves in the PyDev package e=

<div>=A0 =A0=A0</div><div>* Grammar 3.x accepts u&#39;str&#39;.</div><div>=
=A0</div><div>* Fixed project configuration ${PROJECT_DIR_NAME} variable to=
point to dir name inside Eclipse and not the folder name in filesystem (th=
is could make PyDev miss folders in the project PYTHONPATH).</div>

<div>=A0</div><div>* Debugger:</div><div>=A0</div><div>=A0 =A0 * Breakpoint=
s working on files with unicode chars.</div><div>=A0 =A0 =A0</div><div>=A0 =
=A0 * patches by Jonah Graham:</div><div>=A0 =A0 =A0</div><div>=A0 =A0 =A0 =
=A0 * Variables can be pretty-printed with right-click &gt; pretty print.</=

<div>=A0 =A0 =A0 =A0=A0</div><div>=A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 * Improved handling for n=
umpy.ndarrays.</div><div>=A0 =A0=A0</div><div>* And as usual, many other bu=
gfixes!</div><div><br></div><div>What is PyDev?</div><div>-----------------=

<br></div><div>PyDev is a plugin that enables users to use Eclipse for Pyth=
on, Jython and IronPython development -- making Eclipse a first class Pytho=
n IDE -- It comes with many goodies such as code completion, syntax highlig=
hting, syntax analysis, refactor, debug and many others.</div>

<div>Fabio Zadrozny</div><div>--------------------------------------------=
----------</div><div>Software Developer</div><div><br></div><div>LiClipse</=

<div><a href=3D"http://brainwy.github.io/liclipse">http://brainwy.github.io=
/liclipse</a></div><div><br></div><div>PyDev - Python Development Environme=
nt for Eclipse</div><div><a href=3D"http://pydev.org">http://pydev.org</a><=

<div><a href=3D"http://pydev.blogspot.com">http://pydev.blogspot.com</a></d=

