[Pydev-users] Setting up Eclipse pydev django development environment
Gary Roach
2016-05-07 22:12:54 UTC

I need assistance in setting up my development environment an have
gotten no response from the Eclipselink-users-request list. I hope that
someone on this list can be of assistance.

I am running Debian stretch OS (Ubuntu is Debian for all practical
purposes) with an Xwindows KDE desktop. I have a couple of projects that
require both Python 2.7 and others that requre 3.x, I will be using
Django 1.7, 1.8 and 1.9 as needed. Each project must be completely
separate from the other pojects and must not use global libraries. In
short each project must be atomic. All projects use a common postgresql
database or the Django default and may have to share an Apache server. I
should be able to delete a project with out effecting the others.
Updates to software by the Debian apt-get method should not effect the
projects. It would be nice if I could port older projects over to the
new setup.

I have been using another IDE but the IDE suffers from lack of
development. With that one I used vertualenv or Python3-venv to set up
virtual environments for each. I have attempted to set up a similar
thing with Eclipse and have had all kinds of conflicts. The bottom line
is that I have no idea what I am doing. I need a road map, preferably
not requiring a lot of extra code, to set things up.

All help will be sincerely appreciated.

Gary R.
Fabio Zadrozny
2016-05-09 10:50:40 UTC
Hi Gary,

There are some ways you can setup things in your use case...

So, first, I'll explain a bit on the concepts related to then provide the
possible solutions:

Workspaces: Eclipse itself provides the concept of workspaces, so, each
workspace is completely independent from another (i.e.:
projects/configurations from one workspace are usually not visible to
another workspace).

Python Interpreter: PyDev can have multiple interpreters configured. You
can think of each interpreter as a virtualenv, where the configuration of
one is independent of the other (if you use virtualenvs, you should usually
configure an interpreter for each virtualenv).

Project: This is the place where your own source code should reside. Each
folder marked as a source folder will be set as an entry in the PYTHONPATH
(see http://www.pydev.org/manual_101_project_conf2.html).

As you said that you don't want things to be tied to system changes, you
should download a python install from python.org and keep it independent
from the computer installation (I must say I usually use miniconda to
create multiple python installations that are independent from the
system... you can see more at: http://conda.pydata.org/docs/).

As to how to map things internally, you can:

1. create a new workspace for each python/virtualenv/conda env you have
installed (and then all the projects/interpreters will be separate -- and
when launching Eclipse/PyDev, you should select with which one you want to
work -- if you want to work with multiple at the same time you have to
launch multiple instances... if you go that route, in preferences > general
workspace you can set a workspace name to be shown in the title to help
you know which one you're working with).

2. Create a single workspace, configuring the multiple interpreters you
have in preferences > PyDev > Interpreters > Python interpreter and then,
for each project you have, go to the project properties (alt+enter with
project selected) > PyDev - Interpreter/Grammar and select which
interpreter that project should use.

To know how to deal with existing code, there's an entry in the FAQ related
to it:


I need assistance in setting up my development environment an have
gotten no response from the Eclipselink-users-request list. I hope that
someone on this list can be of assistance.
I am running Debian stretch OS (Ubuntu is Debian for all practical
purposes) with an Xwindows KDE desktop. I have a couple of projects that
require both Python 2.7 and others that requre 3.x, I will be using
Django 1.7, 1.8 and 1.9 as needed. Each project must be completely
separate from the other pojects and must not use global libraries. In
short each project must be atomic. All projects use a common postgresql
database or the Django default and may have to share an Apache server. I
should be able to delete a project with out effecting the others.
Updates to software by the Debian apt-get method should not effect the
projects. It would be nice if I could port older projects over to the
new setup.
I have been using another IDE but the IDE suffers from lack of
development. With that one I used vertualenv or Python3-venv to set up
virtual environments for each. I have attempted to set up a similar
thing with Eclipse and have had all kinds of conflicts. The bottom line
is that I have no idea what I am doing. I need a road map, preferably
not requiring a lot of extra code, to set things up.
All help will be sincerely appreciated.
Gary R.
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your business applications. It resolves application problems quickly and
reduces your MTTR. Get your free trial!
Pydev-users mailing list
Gary Roach
2016-06-07 02:09:10 UTC
Hi all,

I am still fighting this problem.

I have installed Eclipse Neon because my version of Debian uses java 8.

I have then installed the PyDev plugin. I also installed a terminal
emulator plugin.

Selecting windows>Preferences>PyDev>Interpereters>Python Interpereters,
I used New to create python3.5sys to attach the systems usr/bin and
usr/lib python files to Eclipse. At this point Eclipse works.

Although the python version selected in the setup is supposed to be
python 3.5 (the systems version), running python --version in the
Eclipse Terminal returns python version 2.7.11 and django 1.9.6.

The preferences, python Interpreter page shows /usr/bin/python3.5
interpreter selected resulting in the following libraries:


Does anyone have an idea as to why the wrong versions of python and
django show up.

Gary R.
Post by Fabio Zadrozny
Hi Gary,
There are some ways you can setup things in your use case...
So, first, I'll explain a bit on the concepts related to then provide
Workspaces: Eclipse itself provides the concept of workspaces, so,
projects/configurations from one workspace are usually not visible to
another workspace).
Python Interpreter: PyDev can have multiple interpreters configured.
You can think of each interpreter as a virtualenv, where the
configuration of one is independent of the other (if you use
virtualenvs, you should usually configure an interpreter for each
Project: This is the place where your own source code should reside.
Each folder marked as a source folder will be set as an entry in the
PYTHONPATH (see http://www.pydev.org/manual_101_project_conf2.html).
As you said that you don't want things to be tied to system changes,
you should download a python install from python.org
<http://python.org> and keep it independent from the computer
installation (I must say I usually use miniconda to create multiple
python installations that are independent from the system... you can
see more at: http://conda.pydata.org/docs/).
1. create a new workspace for each python/virtualenv/conda env you
have installed (and then all the projects/interpreters will be
separate -- and when launching Eclipse/PyDev, you should select with
which one you want to work -- if you want to work with multiple at the
same time you have to launch multiple instances... if you go that
route, in preferences > general > workspace you can set a workspace
name to be shown in the title to help you know which one you're
working with).
2. Create a single workspace, configuring the multiple interpreters
you have in preferences > PyDev > Interpreters > Python interpreter
and then, for each project you have, go to the project properties
(alt+enter with project selected) > PyDev - Interpreter/Grammar and
select which interpreter that project should use.
To know how to deal with existing code, there's an entry in the FAQ
I need assistance in setting up my development environment an have
gotten no response from the Eclipselink-users-request list. I hope that
someone on this list can be of assistance.
I am running Debian stretch OS (Ubuntu is Debian for all practical
purposes) with an Xwindows KDE desktop. I have a couple of
projects that
require both Python 2.7 and others that requre 3.x, I will be using
Django 1.7, 1.8 and 1.9 as needed. Each project must be completely
separate from the other pojects and must not use global libraries. In
short each project must be atomic. All projects use a common postgresql
database or the Django default and may have to share an Apache server. I
should be able to delete a project with out effecting the others.
Updates to software by the Debian apt-get method should not effect the
projects. It would be nice if I could port older projects over to the
new setup.
I have been using another IDE but the IDE suffers from lack of
development. With that one I used vertualenv or Python3-venv to set up
virtual environments for each. I have attempted to set up a similar
thing with Eclipse and have had all kinds of conflicts. The bottom line
is that I have no idea what I am doing. I need a road map, preferably
not requiring a lot of extra code, to set things up.
All help will be sincerely appreciated.
Gary R.
Find and fix application performance issues faster with
Applications Manager
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multiple tiers of
your business applications. It resolves application problems quickly and
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Pydev-users mailing list
Find and fix application performance issues faster with Applications Manager
Applications Manager provides deep performance insights into multiple tiers of
your business applications. It resolves application problems quickly and
reduces your MTTR. Get your free trial!
Pydev-users mailing list
Fabio Zadrozny
2016-06-07 10:45:04 UTC
What do you mean by running python --version in the Eclipse Terminal? Which
terminal are you talking about?

If you just do a simple script with:

import sys

and run it by pressing 'F9' inside Eclipse/PyDev what do you get?


Post by Gary Roach
Hi all,
I am still fighting this problem.
I have installed Eclipse Neon because my version of Debian uses java 8.
I have then installed the PyDev plugin. I also installed a terminal
emulator plugin.
Selecting windows>Preferences>PyDev>Interpereters>Python Interpereters, I
used New to create python3.5sys to attach the systems usr/bin and usr/lib
python files to Eclipse. At this point Eclipse works.
Although the python version selected in the setup is supposed to be python
3.5 (the systems version), running python --version in the Eclipse Terminal
returns python version 2.7.11 and django 1.9.6.
The preferences, python Interpreter page shows /usr/bin/python3.5
Does anyone have an idea as to why the wrong versions of python and django
show up.
Gary R.
Hi Gary,
There are some ways you can setup things in your use case...
So, first, I'll explain a bit on the concepts related to then provide the
Workspaces: Eclipse itself provides the concept of workspaces, so, each
projects/configurations from one workspace are usually not visible to
another workspace).
Python Interpreter: PyDev can have multiple interpreters configured. You
can think of each interpreter as a virtualenv, where the configuration of
one is independent of the other (if you use virtualenvs, you should usually
configure an interpreter for each virtualenv).
Project: This is the place where your own source code should reside. Each
folder marked as a source folder will be set as an entry in the PYTHONPATH
(see http://www.pydev.org/manual_101_project_conf2.html).
As you said that you don't want things to be tied to system changes, you
should download a python install from python.org and keep it independent
from the computer installation (I must say I usually use miniconda to
create multiple python installations that are independent from the
system... you can see more at: http://conda.pydata.org/docs/).
1. create a new workspace for each python/virtualenv/conda env you have
installed (and then all the projects/interpreters will be separate -- and
when launching Eclipse/PyDev, you should select with which one you want to
work -- if you want to work with multiple at the same time you have to
launch multiple instances... if you go that route, in preferences > general
workspace you can set a workspace name to be shown in the title to help
you know which one you're working with).
2. Create a single workspace, configuring the multiple interpreters you
have in preferences > PyDev > Interpreters > Python interpreter and then,
for each project you have, go to the project properties (alt+enter with
project selected) > PyDev - Interpreter/Grammar and select which
interpreter that project should use.
To know how to deal with existing code, there's an entry in the FAQ
I need assistance in setting up my development environment an have
gotten no response from the Eclipselink-users-request list. I hope that
someone on this list can be of assistance.
I am running Debian stretch OS (Ubuntu is Debian for all practical
purposes) with an Xwindows KDE desktop. I have a couple of projects that
require both Python 2.7 and others that requre 3.x, I will be using
Django 1.7, 1.8 and 1.9 as needed. Each project must be completely
separate from the other pojects and must not use global libraries. In
short each project must be atomic. All projects use a common postgresql
database or the Django default and may have to share an Apache server. I
should be able to delete a project with out effecting the others.
Updates to software by the Debian apt-get method should not effect the
projects. It would be nice if I could port older projects over to the
new setup.
I have been using another IDE but the IDE suffers from lack of
development. With that one I used vertualenv or Python3-venv to set up
virtual environments for each. I have attempted to set up a similar
thing with Eclipse and have had all kinds of conflicts. The bottom line
is that I have no idea what I am doing. I need a road map, preferably
not requiring a lot of extra code, to set things up.
All help will be sincerely appreciated.
Gary R.
Find and fix application performance issues faster with Applications Manager
Applications Manager provides deep performance insights into multiple tiers of
your business applications. It resolves application problems quickly and
reduces your MTTR. Get your free trial!
Pydev-users mailing list
Find and fix application performance issues faster with Applications Manager
Applications Manager provides deep performance insights into multiple tiers of
your business applications. It resolves application problems quickly and
reduces your MTTR. Get your free trial!https://ad.doubleclick.net/ddm/clk/302982198;130105516;z
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planning reports. https://ad.doubleclick.net/ddm/clk/305295220;132659582;e
Pydev-users mailing list
Gary Roach
2016-06-07 20:22:59 UTC
The terminal is a plugin called TM Terminal. I mimics a standard bash
terminal but works with the project files. Very handy.

This is the first time that I have tried to run a py file without using
the command line with python. I am not sure what you mean by using F9.
This does nothing on my system. The Eclipse menu lists run as ^ F11 . I
tried several different methods of running my test.py file. The only one
that worked is python test.py on the command line of the terminal. This
produced sys.version_info(major=2, minor=7, micro=11,
releaselevel='final', serial=0). Whether I used the plugin terminal or
my standard bash system terminal made no difference. I got the same
results both ways.

Gary R.
Post by Fabio Zadrozny
import sys
Fabio Zadrozny
2016-06-07 20:39:35 UTC
PyDev is unaware of this and the PYTHONPATH/PATH are not properly set
according to your configurations, so, it's expected that this won't work.

Please go through the whole Getting Started manual (
http://www.pydev.org/manual_101_root.html) and follow the steps from
configuring the interpreter/project to running the program as it should
cover all that's needed to run your program (as a note, make sure you have
focus on the PyDev editor when your press F9 to run it).

Best Regards,

Post by Gary Roach
The terminal is a plugin called TM Terminal. I mimics a standard bash
terminal but works with the project files. Very handy.
This is the first time that I have tried to run a py file without using
the command line with python. I am not sure what you mean by using F9. This
does nothing on my system. The Eclipse menu lists run as ^ F11 . I tried
several different methods of running my test.py file. The only one that
worked is python test.py on the command line of the terminal. This produced
sys.version_info(major=2, minor=7, micro=11, releaselevel='final',
serial=0). Whether I used the plugin terminal or my standard bash system
terminal made no difference. I got the same results both ways.
Gary R.
import sys
What NetFlow Analyzer can do for you? Monitors network bandwidth and
patterns at an interface-level. Reveals which users, apps, and protocols
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J-Flow, sFlow and other flows. Make informed decisions using capacity
planning reports. https://ad.doubleclick.net/ddm/clk/305295220;132659582;e
Pydev-users mailing list
Gary Roach
2016-06-08 21:10:22 UTC
I ripped out everything and started over. Fabio, the manual you
suggested is a bit out of date. I used the Eclipse_lnstaller and
selected the php installation because it seemed to fit my needs best. I
then installed PyDev and TM Terminal from the Market Place. The method
suggested in the manual no longer exists. I checked the installation
using the Help>About Eclipse>Installation Details path. Java is set to
/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java in the configuration
file. This is correct for Neon. So far so good.

Since, as I discovered, the terminal plugin is really a clone of my
system terminal, the use of python --version and which python both point
to python2.7, If I run python3 --version or which python3 I get python
3.5.1. This confused me but I now understand what is going on here.
These versions have nothing to do with what PyDev is set up to use. That
being python 3.5.1. I need to be able to run the import python,
print(sys.version_info) that you suggested. Since I wasn't sure how to
set up a .py file to run in Eclipse, I decided to read the Create
Projects and Files tutorial listed on the welcome screen. A this point,
I ran into a problem. For some reason any link on the welcome screen
loaded a blank copy of Bluefish editor. So I removed Bluefish from my
system, since I don't need it if I am using Eclipse. I tried again. This
time the welcome screen pulled up KimageMapEditor. Also blank. Can we
try to fix this first.

Gary R.
Post by Fabio Zadrozny
PyDev is unaware of this and the PYTHONPATH/PATH are not properly set
according to your configurations, so, it's expected that this won't work.
Please go through the whole Getting Started manual
(http://www.pydev.org/manual_101_root.html) and follow the steps from
configuring the interpreter/project to running the program as it
should cover all that's needed to run your program (as a note, make
sure you have focus on the PyDev editor when your press F9 to run it).
Best Regards,
The terminal is a plugin called TM Terminal. I mimics a standard
bash terminal but works with the project files. Very handy.
This is the first time that I have tried to run a py file without
using the command line with python. I am not sure what you mean by
using F9. This does nothing on my system. The Eclipse menu lists
run as ^ F11 . I tried several different methods of running my
test.py file. The only one that worked is python test.py on the
command line of the terminal. This produced
sys.version_info(major=2, minor=7, micro=11, releaselevel='final',
serial=0). Whether I used the plugin terminal or my standard bash
system terminal made no difference. I got the same results both ways.
Gary R.
Post by Fabio Zadrozny
import sys
What NetFlow Analyzer can do for you? Monitors network bandwidth
and traffic
patterns at an interface-level. Reveals which users, apps, and
protocols are
consuming the most bandwidth. Provides multi-vendor support for NetFlow,
J-Flow, sFlow and other flows. Make informed decisions using capacity
planning reports.
Pydev-users mailing list
What NetFlow Analyzer can do for you? Monitors network bandwidth and traffic
patterns at an interface-level. Reveals which users, apps, and protocols are
consuming the most bandwidth. Provides multi-vendor support for NetFlow,
J-Flow, sFlow and other flows. Make informed decisions using capacity
planning reports. https://ad.doubleclick.net/ddm/clk/305295220;132659582;e
Pydev-users mailing list
Gary Roach
2016-06-10 18:16:50 UTC
Bypassing the help screen problem, going to the pydev manual and reading
between the lines, I have the following setup working.

OS Debian Linux
Desktop KDE
Eclipse version Neon
Tutorial How to tango with rango (python 2.7 and Django 1.7.11)

I created a virtual environment file in
I installed eclipse using the eclipse installer ( works great) and
selected the php setup.
I installed PyDev in Eclipse and setup all of the properties per the
PyDev site.
Translating the Tango with Django method to Eclipse methods, I managed
to set up the following:

python2.7 (/opt/....11/bin/python2.7)

II tried several methods for running the equivalent of "python manage.py
runserver" specifically - "rt click the top Twd > Django > Run Django
Test" and the Run (^F11 on my setup). in both cases the console showed
the following:
ImportError: Could not import settings 'src/Twd/settings.py' (Is it
on sys.path? Is there an import error in the settings file?): Import by
filename is not supported.

I tried changing the Twd property "PyDev-PYTHONPATH" by adding
This didn't help.

Running "python manage.py runserver" in the terminal works fine.

I obviously have some form of path problem but have no idea how to fix it.

All help will be sincerely appreciated.

Gary R.
Post by Gary Roach
I ripped out everything and started over. Fabio, the manual you
suggested is a bit out of date. I used the Eclipse_lnstaller and
selected the php installation because it seemed to fit my needs best.
I then installed PyDev and TM Terminal from the Market Place. The
method suggested in the manual no longer exists. I checked the
installation using the Help>About Eclipse>Installation Details path.
Java is set to /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java in the
configuration file. This is correct for Neon. So far so good.
Since, as I discovered, the terminal plugin is really a clone of my
system terminal, the use of python --version and which python both
point to python2.7, If I run python3 --version or which python3 I get
python 3.5.1. This confused me but I now understand what is going on
here. These versions have nothing to do with what PyDev is set up to
use. That being python 3.5.1. I need to be able to run the import
python, print(sys.version_info) that you suggested. Since I wasn't
sure how to set up a .py file to run in Eclipse, I decided to read
the Create Projects and Files tutorial listed on the welcome screen. A
this point, I ran into a problem. For some reason any link on the
welcome screen loaded a blank copy of Bluefish editor. So I removed
Bluefish from my system, since I don't need it if I am using Eclipse.
I tried again. This time the welcome screen pulled up KimageMapEditor.
Also blank. Can we try to fix this first.
Gary R.
Post by Fabio Zadrozny
PyDev is unaware of this and the PYTHONPATH/PATH are not properly set
according to your configurations, so, it's expected that this won't work.
Please go through the whole Getting Started manual
(http://www.pydev.org/manual_101_root.html) and follow the steps
from configuring the interpreter/project to running the program as it
should cover all that's needed to run your program (as a note, make
sure you have focus on the PyDev editor when your press F9 to run it).
Best Regards,
The terminal is a plugin called TM Terminal. I mimics a standard
bash terminal but works with the project files. Very handy.
This is the first time that I have tried to run a py file without
using the command line with python. I am not sure what you mean
by using F9. This does nothing on my system. The Eclipse menu
lists run as ^ F11 . I tried several different methods of running
my test.py file. The only one that worked is python test.py on
the command line of the terminal. This produced
sys.version_info(major=2, minor=7, micro=11,
releaselevel='final', serial=0). Whether I used the plugin
terminal or my standard bash system terminal made no difference.
I got the same results both ways.
Gary R.
Post by Fabio Zadrozny
import sys
What NetFlow Analyzer can do for you? Monitors network bandwidth and traffic
patterns at an interface-level. Reveals which users, apps, and protocols are
consuming the most bandwidth. Provides multi-vendor support for NetFlow,
J-Flow, sFlow and other flows. Make informed decisions using capacity
planning reports.
Pydev-users mailing list
What NetFlow Analyzer can do for you? Monitors network bandwidth and traffic
patterns at an interface-level. Reveals which users, apps, and protocols are
consuming the most bandwidth. Provides multi-vendor support for NetFlow,
J-Flow, sFlow and other flows. Make informed decisions using capacity
planning reports.https://ad.doubleclick.net/ddm/clk/305295220;132659582;e
Pydev-users mailing list
What NetFlow Analyzer can do for you? Monitors network bandwidth and traffic
patterns at an interface-level. Reveals which users, apps, and protocols are
consuming the most bandwidth. Provides multi-vendor support for NetFlow,
J-Flow, sFlow and other flows. Make informed decisions using capacity
planning reports. https://ad.doubleclick.net/ddm/clk/305295220;132659582;e
Pydev-users mailing list